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Carriage ride

High on the wagon through the romantic valley

Enjoy a leisurely ride on the horse carriage. The breathtaking view and the gentle disposition of the horse are a lasting memory. We offer various round tours around the show dairy. Or would you prefer to ascend or descend from a different location? No problem, the coachman knows the most beautiful routes for you.


Cost per carriage CHF 310.00
Around 1.5 hours, max. 12 persons per car


On request, early reservation is required.


A maximum of 12 people can travel in each car. Total up to four cars are available.

Pick nick basket for the road?
Enjoy high on the wagon
......sausage, cheese, bread and wine. Upon request, we will be happy to prepare a pick-nick for you on the road.

Tip: Combi offer
The King's Way can be visited at a reduced price with every offer:

  • Children up to 11 years free of charge
  • Youths 12-17 years CHF 5.50
  • Adults CHF 9.00

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