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Emmental gift baskets

The tasteful surprise

Baskets and gifts are put together for you according to your individual wishes. Choose from over 100 Emmental specialties and surprise yourself with a tasty greeting from the Emmental.

Tip: You don't have the opportunity to meet as a team? You would still like to do something good for your employees? The gift baskets are perfect for this. At your request, we will send the gifts directly to your workmates' homes.

  • Your accompanying letters, cards, inserts, etc. are enclosed free of charge.
  • We take care of the dispatch to your employees or your customers for you.

Offer request

We will be happy to prepare your personal offer.

Please tell us in your mail:

  • What is your budget per basket
  • Whether the shipment is to one or more addresses
  • Your product wishes

Mrs. Madeleine Zürcher, head of the cheese store is looking forward to your mail:


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