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Show bakery

Fine bread to fine Emmentaler AOP

The conversion work in the old "cheese hut" dating from 1900 on the site of the Emmental show dairy has been completed. On April 2, 2022, the bakery of the Meier bakery with open showroom opened in this time-honored building.

The bakery Meier, already operates branches in Hasle-Rüegsau, Wynigen, Worb and Boll. The store offers in addition to the full range of bread, patisserie and the ever-popular doughnuts. You can also look forward to new workshops and events on the subject of baking! The so-called "fire wagon cheese dairy" inside the building has been preserved and is once again open for viewing. Cheese was once made here over an open fire.

Opening hours Meier Schaubäckerei
Tue-Sun from 8:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.



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