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Contact and arrival

In the heart of the Emmental

The Emmental show dairy is surrounded by hills and valleys and is located in Affoltern im Emmental. The village is situated 801 m above sea level and invites you to stay with its unique surroundings.
General map of the Emmental Show Dairy

Sustainable travel by public transport

Travel by train to Huttwil or via Burgdorf to Hasle-Rüegsau. From there, take the BLS bus or mybuxi to Affoltern im Emmental, Dorf.

If you want to be flexible, then book mybuxi. mybuxi will take you directly to the show dairy, from early in the morning until late in the evening.

BLS timetable

BLS Affoltern i.E.
BLS Affoltern i.E.
Aussicht Lueg
Aussicht Lueg

Arrival by car

If you travel on the A1 freeway from Bern, Basel or Zurich, take the Kirchberg exit and drive via Burgdorf in the direction of Hasle-Rüegsau and Affoltern im Emmental.

Coming from Lucerne, take the exit Sursee on the A2 and drive via Huttwil towards Sumiswald via Häusernmoos to Affoltern im Emmental.

A large parking lot is available.

By the way: The Emmental Show Dairy is part of the Grand Tour of Switzerland and the Lueg road is one of the most beautiful stretches.

Ecological journey

Pedal to the top.

Rent an e-bike via www.rentabike.ch or take your own bike.

The Emmental show dairy is easily accessible via various bike routes and is located on the well signposted
Heart Route stage Willisau-Burgdorf.

Herzroute Burgdorf-Willisau
Herzroute Burgdorf-Willisau


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