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Tips & Recommendations

As versatile as the Emmental landscape is, as multifaceted are the different destinations and offers. We are happy to look beyond the (cheese) plate for you show you here again and again other news, perennial favorites and insider tips.

Hikes around Affoltern i.E.

Explore the Emmental hills on foot and enjoy the view of the mountain panorama. Make a stop at the Emmental show dairy and fortify yourself with regional delicious treats. Various hiking suggestions around Affoltern i.E. can be found here: 

Hikes around Affoltern i.E.

Swiss cheese passport

Discover the cheese country Switzerland with the Swiss Cheese Pass and visit the marked show dairies. The journey to the five show dairies leads along the Grand Tour of Switzerland through the typical cheese regions of Switzerland. Attention: don't forget to stamp the passport at each cheese dairy. This way you will receive a nice prize at the end.
All info about the Swiss Cheese Passport

Emmental Railway

Visit the beautiful and picturesque Emmental and board the nostalgic trains of the Emmental Museum Railway. Enjoy a Sunday trip along the lovely railroad lines from Huttwil to Wasen i.E. with a stop in Affoltern i.E.
All information and the timetable can be found here: