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Stöckli cheese making

The experience of a special kind

In the Stöckli, dating from 1741, you will make your own cheese from 200 liters of fresh raw milk together with a cheesemaker. Processed with bare hands, the end result is two loaves of 8 kg each of tasty Stöckli cheese. The best comes at the end: After four months of nurturing and care by our cellar masters, we will send your personally made cheese directly to your home.

Bookable times


Price in CHF

Basic price up to 20 persons

with 1 loaf of Stöckli cheese (8-10 kg)


2nd loaf of Stöckli cheese on request (additional 8-10 kg)

+ 215.00

The price includes care during the four months of ripening, dividing and vacuum packaging of the cheese pieces as well as shipping by mail within Switzerland.

Bookable times

The offer can be booked daily at the following times:

April to October:
9:00am, 12:00am and 3:00pm

November to March:
10:00am and 01:00pm

Duration in each case 2 hours


This offer is bookable by reservation. Please reserve your desired date with the reservation form, by phone or e-mail.

Cheese making makes you hungry!

We have two aperitifs exclusively for cheese-making in the Stöckli. Choose between a cheese and meat board or an "Emmentaler ship". Here you will find our other aperitif offers. We are happy to serve you, for example, a cheese and meat board during cheese making or you can enjoy an Emmental speciality before or after cheese making in the restaurant. Menu

Stöckli Apéro Käseschiff
Stöckli Apéro Käseschiff

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