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Well combined

The show dairy partner offers

Book even more Emmental with the packages of our partners in collaboration with the show dairy. Active, creative, enjoyable and unforgettable!

Cheese and adrenaline

Promote team spirit with many activities on the outdoor facility during creative training and with cheesy delights with us in the show dairy. Perfect for team events and club outings.
Cheese and adrenaline offer

For more information and booking options, please visit the following link:

E-Trottiplausch durchs Emmental
E-Trottiplausch durchs Emmental


Cruise along the Planet Trail on a scooter over the Lueg to the show dairy in Affoltern im Emmental. Thanks to the rechargeable battery, you can enjoy an effortless ride from Burgdorf over the Emmental hills. With the Hugo electric scooter, you can ride freely on natural paths and asphalted cycle paths. Further information on the various routes and offers can be found here:

Gruppenausflug mit dem E-Trotti

Emmental cheese route

On the Emmental Cheese Route, you will learn exciting stories and information about the centuries-old tradition of Emmental cheese. With a rented e-bike, you can complete the one- or two-day tour with a smile on your face and still have enough energy left for a sightseeing tour.

For more information, please visit the following link:
Emmental cheese route

Guided E-Bike tours from valley-adventures
Guided E-Bike tours from valley-adventures


Experience the Emmental in a new way with the e-bike tours from valley-adventures! The guides will take you over the hills of the beautiful Emmental to the Emmental show dairy. Enjoy the regional cuisine and the view during your lunch stop there.

Further information and various tour offers can be found here: 


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Discover our other exciting offers in the Emmental show dairy.


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